In the run up to Christmas, each of us at The Scrappy Tree are going to talk a little about special things that for us really get that Christmas spirit going - today, it's my turn! This year for the first time I've been working on a December album, and it's really made me more alert to the things that happen in December that make me feel Christmasy :) Last weekend I went out to a Christmas party, and this weekend we decorated the house and put up our tree.
One of the things I really love are Christmas lights; at our house we only decorate inside, but I love how beautiful it looks when there are lights decorating the trees. I took this picture for my December album while we were at the Christmas party last weekend (does anyone else really enjoy driving around looking at all the lights and decorations people put up outside their houses??) My favourite thing about putting the tree up and fairy lights all over the house is the cosy feeling of switching all the normal lights off and just sitting in the glow from the Christmas lights - is there anything that feels more festive? Get yourself a warm blanket, cup of hot chocolate (or glass of wine!) and put some Christmas music on - bliss!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I love that our tree has ornaments that tell stories of lots of different Christmases and visits and family and friends - some of the ornaments are older than me, while the most recent were bought in Florida just a few months ago. I know he's not Disney, but even Dobby the house elf now has a home on our tree :)
It's usually me and my Mum that decorate the tree between us, and I love being the one to hang the ornaments on the branches because it gives you the chance to really look at each one before it goes on the tree and becomes part of the complete picture. Of course the tinsel has to be draped over the clock and the picture frames, the little village of Christmas houses has to be set up on the windowsill and the snowflakes have to be stuck on the window too!
It's the Christmas ornaments and fairy lights that really make me smile though :) Have you got a favourite Christmas decoration with a special story? Do you always decorate at the same time each year? Whose job is it at your house to decorate the tree?
Come on folks, let's get festive! I want to hear your Christmas stories :) look out for our next Christmas post from Diana next week :)
Have a Scrappy Christmas everybody! Gayle xx
christmas spirit
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6 Scrappy thoughts:
We like to drive around and look at lights. Some neighborhoods in the Twin Cities really go all out!! It has become my job to decorate the tree. This year, I enlisted everyone, well almost everyone to help. I love the history and meaning of older ornaments. Some of mine are plaster ones from Michael's that I painted about 18 years ago!!! And, yes, my tree is pretty much the same each year. I try to add a new ornament or so each year. I love sitting and looking at the glow of the lights in the house from Christmas decor. Your pics are wonderful!!!
We love to drive around and look at the nights as well! I love sitting with Christmas lights on, like you said no other lights, with a candle burning and a Christmas show/movie on TV:) We usually decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving!!
Thanks for sharing Gayle! We don't do a great deal of decorating with actual ornaments around this house with all the young children around, but the kids make things to put on the tree each year. Tom and the kids put the tree together and they hang up their own ornaments! They really enjoy it!
We love the holidays, ALL of them which is shameless to say. However, we put our Christmas tree up on 11/2 each year. Our oldest son, Garrett, 24, is mentally challenged and has Aspergers. He doesn't get "let's wait until after Thanksgiving" he only gets that his brother's birthday is 11/1 LOL. So up our tree goes the next day. Then as for gifts, we have a tradition that started with Garrett. Since they get so many things throughout the year, we only give 3 gifts to them at Christmas because this is what the wisemen brought to baby Jesus. Also, we give them stockings with daily hygiene items. Santa doesn't bring anything that requires being pugged in or batteries. Loving simplicity of the holidays. (The boys save their money for electronic toys/games instead of us buying them at all. They take better care of things that they have to pay for). =)
Lovely story Gayle and adorable pictures, your family traditions are very endearing. I am glad you are getting so much out of your Christmas journal this year, I think it's really important to take time out to enjoy the holiday and treasure the memories. We have a few traditions we follow every year, my favorite is we get a big group of friends and family together to walk the canals in Naples, Long Beach to view all the Christmas lights. Everyone brings something, pumpkin bread, hot chocolate, coffee, and home-made cookies and we have a small exchange of treats by the trunks of our cars then head out for the fun!
Beautiful Gayle, I never decorate outside either, but I love to see the lights and decorations from other houses, loving all your Disney decorations in a few years you'll need a bigger tree :)
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