Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #8

Grab Bag #8

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What does Valentines Day mean to you?


  1. I think it just reminds us that we need to stop and take a minute and show our love for that special someone that we might be taking for granted.

  2. to me it's a day to remind those we love WHY we love them in an extra special way ♥

  3. I am a bit of a humbug to be honest,I think it has become so commercialised and so out of tune with the original intent. But I do try and think about the people that I love.

  4. I am a humbug too. I thinkmit is very commercialized. I try to do special things for the ones I love at random times throughout the year. I learned this from my mom. We had random fun days that were unexpected. New games, treat bags, etc. It was so much fun to come home from school to these surprises.

  5. yeah it's a bit commercialized and I don't want presents BUT, I do like to make sure we have that time together if at all possible (DH works shifts).

    I'd hate to ignore it.

  6. Valentine's day to me means a celebration of one's love for another.

    Janie Boots

  7. Interesting question! For me - for us - it's a chance to spend a special time together, a lovely meal, little love gifts - but we try to make sure we do that plenty of times through the year too :-)

  8. It doesn't really hold a lot of meaning to me at all. I enjoy making cards and crafts for the kids and doing a little decorating. That's about it. If I didn't get a gift, it wouldn't bother me.

  9. it means having someone special remind you that you are special to them.

  10. It reminds me to let the people around me know that I love them very much! I like making it a special day for them.

  11. I reminds me I do not own Hallmark. I'm a bit of a humbug about it also...hate commercialized pressure to show emotions. I do make a card for my hubby though just to let him know how special he is.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!