Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #7

Grab Bag #7

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What is your favorite type of flower and do you like to receive flowers on Valentines Day?


  1. My birthday is Feb 12th so Dh usually combines the two and gets me flowers. I do like to get them. It doesn't need to be roses - just anything bright and pretty.

  2. My favourite flowers are roses specifically blue ones I would love to receive flowers on Valentine's day but we shall see.

  3. my favorites are lilies, they are sooo pretty!! I would love to get flowers from my hubs on Valentine's!! ♥

  4. My favorite flowers are the lovely, brightly colored zinnias that grow in my garden. Pretty little lily of the valley flowers that grow wild under our cedar trees are a very close second. I don't really like to get cut flowers. It seems so sad that their little lives are so short.

  5. My hubby always gives me roses, for every occassion :)

  6. I love all kinds of flowers, and it depends on the mood and the occasion..roses, gerber a daisies, lilacs, etc. I would be very unhappy if dh bought me flowers on valentines day, they mark them up so much, and they die so quickly. I appreciate flowers more on random days throughoutbthe year, more in was thinking about you today moments.

  7. I actually love a bunch of nice pretty mixed flowers. But I do love roses. I would be very happy with roses, but of course would also love a kindle, lol.

  8. I adore all flowers except chrysanthamums. I like getting flowers but they're so expensive on Valentine's day that I'm just as happy with a bunch of daffodils than a forced bunch of roses which always die in a day or so anyway.


  9. I don't like receiving flowers - partly because of my hay fever, and partly because it makes me feel bad that they're cut down to look pretty for a while in my house but then they die :-( My fave flowers then are those that are growing naturally :-)

  10. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas, peonies, and lily of the valley. I don't mind getting flowers any day!

  11. The only flower i like is a peach rose.

  12. Tulips and irises are my favorite flowers to get for Valentine's day. I would totally rather plants though because those grow all year long. I don't like roses because thy remind me of funerals. I know... I'm weird.

  13. My favorite is light pink roses, followed up by Gerbera daisies. I love to receive flowers anytime and am lucky enough to have a hubby who gives them to me for only the reason he loves me: many times thru the year.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!