Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #6

Grab Bag #6

comment below to enter, all winners will be determined with

Tell us your worst date story...


  1. Really? No bad dates? Lucky folks out there!

  2. I cannot think of any:( Has been a long time...................

  3. My worst date hmmm that's kind of hard I never really had any dates growing up my mom was very strict.

  4. Went on a blind date to a local restaurant which turned out to have a strip show on that night!!!!!!! Then my date kept hanging over the balcony and asking: "Which one of these fancy cars are yours?" or "I suppose you are super rich!" Then he told me that he had 2 children but only really loved the one! Needless to say I never saw him again.

  5. I smashed my car into the back of a guy's car. He seemed really nice and asked me out for a drink that evening. Big mistake. He tried to blackmail into doing all sorts of stuff with him in return for him not claiming for repairs via the insurance (we'd agreed to settle with cash to avoid getting penalties on my insurance).

    I went home and immediately claimed on the insurance!

  6. I've been lucky I guess - never had a bad date :-) But I did meet my husband when I was only 19, so I didn't have all that many dates....

  7. My worst date ever was when I reunited with an old friend after a few years. He definitely had more romantic inclinations than I did and I had to make up a story about needing to help a friend just to get rid of him!

  8. The guy was late picking me up. nearly rolled the car over on the expressway because he was driving like an idiot. then after we ate he got in the car, turned it on, played with the radio, played with the heater THEN unlocked my door.

  9. My worst date was the one where we went to the movies and ran into my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. She waited until we left and followed us back to my house in order to yell at me for stealing her man. (He'd broken up with her MONTHS before.) Yikes.

  10. His car broke down on one of our first dates and I held an umbrella over us as he tried for an hour to fix his car. Didn't work so he found a pay phone and called his brother who came to help. By then I didn't care if they got wet and sat in the car until they were done. I was soaked and went home.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!