Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #5

Grab Bag #5

comment below to enter, all winners will be determined with

Ladies...what was your favorite Valentines Day gift?


  1. My favourite Valentines day gift was the mask my son made me...

    Janie Boots

  2. Last year, I cut out a bunch of hearts with my cricut for my kids to make valentines for my husband and the grandparents. My husband surprised me and made a card with all the leftovers from the kids cards, soooo sweet and soooo cute ♥

  3. Electronics or computer programs or gadgets. Yes, I'm a total nerd!

  4. Heather, those are at the top of my list too!

  5. A few years ago I got sent a bunch of roses totally out of the blue at work! Made me feel very special.

  6. A beautiful bouquet of roses, the first Valentines Day I was going out with my now DH. They arrived at work and are probably the most beautiful roses I have ever seen.


  7. This year - a weekend in Rome :-)

  8. Hmmm. I love chocolate, so a delicious chocolate cake with rich chocolate icing would top my list. Unless he wants to give me diamonds :)

  9. one year he surprised me with a cherry cheesecake and my favorite flowers.

  10. I still have it. My daughter was 7 and she took a craft type bear out of my craft closet and cut up pink fabric to make a diaper - which she scotch taped on. Wrapped it up and gave it to me. Oh she was so proud.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!