Monday, February 28, 2011

Resolutions Tag Book - February

Here we are on the last day of February.... how are those New Year's resolutions coming along? They slip so easily out of mind don't they!

We posted here last month about keeping them in mind all year long by making yourself a tag book. We'll be sharing one with you every month, and would love to hear which resolutions you're working on in 2011 :)

This month's resolution for me is....

Follow your interests and study hard! Learn, learn, learn....

This year I'm having a change of career so I want to work hard and learn as much about it as I possibly can; however, this resolution also extends to my interests! I always want to keep learning new things and look forward to trying out new crafts and techniques this year :) this year already I have been using a sewing machine on a few of my projects which is a new thing for me, and I love it!

What are your experiences with your resolutions? Now that we are two months into the year have you come up with some new plans to follow? Let us know how you're getting on!

Gayle xx


  1. Congrats Gayle because you are making this resolution a reality :)

  2. Gayle thx for sharing more of your resolutions, you have a bright future ahead because you are sticking with your goals, congrats!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!