Friday, February 25, 2011

February's Art Journal Friday

Welcome to Art Journal Friday, come one, come all and bring some paper and crafting stuff! I've been thinking since the last time I posted this that I have been a bit lazy of late in making sure that it's completely clear that art journaling is open to EVERYBODY, and can be as serious or as fun as you want to make it :) if you need to get something off your chest, use art journaling; if you need to have some fun and play about with your supplies, make a mess and try out some new stuff... put it in your art journal! It's all good, all valid, and if you love or hate it, no one needs to know but you :)

The aim of our monthly prompt here is to maybe give you an idea to start you off on a page; you're free to take whatever you want from the prompt, and if some or all of it doesn't work for you, then that's ok too :) for me, I'm just happy to spread the art journal love!

This month I wanted to journal about something a little more personal to me; I am in the process of moving jobs, and had been working for my old employers for about 10 years! It's really made me evaluate my relationships with the people that I've worked with, and made me think about the advice, the knowledge, the inspiration they've passed on. I'm more thankful for their support towards me than they will ever know, and this month needed to work through how emotional I was feeling about that! There have been tears on this one people, I warn you! :-D

This month's prompt is inspire - journal about someone (maybe more than one person) who inspires you, and you want to say thank you to them. It might be that you're journaling thoughts that you don't feel comfortable to share with that person, or thoughts that actually you've already shared but you feel strongly about it and it will make for a great journaling experience for you :) if you want to cover it up under some paint/paper once you've written it then you can, it's your art journal (and personally I do that all the time!). Sometimes the process of getting it out of your brain and onto paper is the important thing, not that you record those thoughts for posterity!

If you do want to share your finished page with us, there is an Art Journal Friday group at our Ning community where I promise you will receive lots of love for your work! We are a supportive bunch and we love to see what you create :)

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. It is a great prompt, I totally agree! I can't wait to tackle this one, this month has been very inspiring!

  2. what a great theme, can't wait to see what you all make :)

  3. My first time visit to your blog. Found you via Twitter!
    Just wanted to say Hi & how inspiring & refreshing your creations. Love the idea of your monthly art journaling prompts.
    Happy crafting. Gez.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!