Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A little love....

Just a little love to share with you today! I had this adorable chipboard album from Maya Rd that I took apart thinking I would paint all the chipboard pages and use them as an album. However, once I got them painted, I thought I'd use one page for a little Valentine's decoration.

I used a mixture of Making Memories pink paint and acrylic cream paint as the final color for this chipboard page. After the paint dried, I used my Yes Paste and glued a piece of vintage sheet music. The next layer was a Martha Stewart tag (it is called a tag, but I would call it a doily myself) and I glued a glitter heart to the center.

Finally, I used some vintage ribbon and a beautiful button tied on with string to complete my little decoration.

Thank you for popping by today!


  1. Julie, this is so pretty!!! It is a great Valentine's decor piece!!

  2. Love it Julz! the button is a gorgeous embelli =D

  3. Lovley lovely! The button and vintage bow are beautiful!

  4. Gorgeous! The simplicity makes it stunning! Love all your elements. Great design!


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