Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bird House Canvas Album and Pivi Printer

Hello, today I would like to share with you this Donna Downey Canvas Bird House Album I made for my grandmother. Last week we went on a family vacation to celebrate her 90th birthday, I decided to make her an album with pictures from the reception.

I used Glimmer mist to paint the Canvas, and covered part of the house with the beautiful Crate Restoration paper collection.

The inside canvas pages are also painted with glimmer mist and decorates using several craft punch shapes, brads, lace and wrinkled seam binding.

My album was almost done, I only needed pictures from the reception so my grandmother could have right away a Keepsake of this amazing celebration, what made that possible was the fantastic Pivi Printer. I am kind of old fashion when it comes to new technology in general, but when I learned about this small printer I could take with me where ever I wanted I just had to have it.

Some extra info:
The Pivi is a palm-sized printer that cranks out playing-card-sized pictures in less than two minutes. Accepting its image data using PictBridge via a USB cord, it weighs just shy of a half-pound loaded with batteries and paper, making it kind of easy to carry around and ninja-print shots on the spot. Sold only in Japan so far. You can purchase it on ebay.

This is a cool gadget that I highly recommend.

Before I go I would like to remind you about our "Create a Heart for Hope Challenge", click on the heart button above to learn more about the rules and the incredible prize.

Best wishes for you all.


  1. Incredible mini album Di! You rock these!! That printer is pretty cool too!

  2. Di, that album is Gorgeous, I hope she loved it! I am going to have to look those up! Cool printer too!


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