Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #10

Grab Bag #10
We are almost there...

comment below to enter, all winners will be determined with

What is the worst pick up line you have ever heard or....used :)


  1. well, this isn't technically a pickup line... maybe a re-pickup line? I have been told by two of my ex's "I can't keep a girlfriend because none compare to you" haha! They'll try anything to get you back!!

  2. 'Get your coat, you've pulled." Heard in a nightclub when I was in my 20's (thankfully not used on me!).

    So lacking in romance!


  3. I am a raindrop and I am falling for you.

  4. If I told you , you had a gorgeous body would you hold it against me?

    Lol cheesey

  5. I haven't actually heard that many!! I'm feeling neglected now!! Maybe the worst was from a complete stranger in a club: 'Here's my key, I'll see you when I get home' - needless to say, I didn't take the key!

  6. I can't think of any! Pretty disappointing.

  7. i never used any. i just came out and asked directly.

  8. "Are you tired?"

    No. Why?

    "Because you've been running through my mind all day."

    Used by my husband. I'm such a sucker. LOL

  9. I have none......I've been married my whole life to the boy who would not of ever used a pick up line....oh wait, does "Would you give me your phone number so I can call and ask you on a date" count....


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!