Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome to January's Art Journal... Saturday?

Yep, this month's prompt is coming to you a day late as we wanted to focus yesterday on our charity auction! See this post for more information - there are some great handmade gifts available in our eBay shop, so support Save The Children's Haiti Relief and get yourself a beautiful handmade item at the same time :)

Now on with the art journaling! This month I'm really thinking a lot about what we're working on at the moment at The Scrappy Tree, which is Valentine's and our projects over the coming weeks to raise money for Save The Children, and I got to thinking, the one word that was really jumping out at me was 'gift'. With Valentine's on the way, many of us are already thinking about gifts for our loved ones; of course with our projects this month we are hoping to combine that with giving a gift to those in need.

For this month's page, journal about a gift in your life, maybe something important that you have given to someone, or a treasured possession that someone has given to you. You might even want to journal about a cause that's important to you. You could use 'gift' as your title word, or perhaps journal about what the act of giving means to you.

Feel free to share your page with us at the Art Journal Friday group at The Scrappy Tree Community, or even just visit to share some love :) happy weekend!

Gayle xx


  1. Hey Gayle,
    Thanks for visiting my blog, you made me smile.
    And now that I saw your art journalling prompt, I'm totally going to play... I always need prompts for my art journalling. And GIFT is fabulous!


  2. Your prompts always inspire me Gayle, even if it takes me awhile to think of how to use it :) Working on mine tonight.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!