Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Memory

Today is my turn to talk about my favorite Christmas memory, I have lots of memories from all the Christmases we celebrated at my fathers families hometown, it was so great to see all my cousins again, and even though we did not see each other that often, we would just continue from where we left off the last time we played.

My grandmothers house has witnessed a lot of laughter and fun family times, but it is from this season that we all have the greatest memories, and it is so nice to see all the new generations enjoy themselves as much as we did as kids.

I really liked how Christmas was celebrated with all the beautiful Mexican traditions, my favorite has to be the Piñatas, even the grownups had fun breaking the piñatas, and we had more fun watching them.

I am really enjoying reading about the TST girl’s favorite Christmas memories, and the stories from you our readers, if you haven’t yet, share your favorite memory with us, we would love to read them and get to know more about you.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!



  1. Di, I can just see you as a little girl running around and smiling and hitting the pinata :) what a wonderful memory, thanks for sharing!

  2. Di, what a wonderful memory! I bet you had so much fun at your childhood Christmases!!

  3. Oh, love these old pictures, you have a great family, Bendiciones.


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