Monday, December 20, 2010

Calendar gift

Hello! We're counting down the days to Christmas here, are you ready?? I am trying, really I am :) but the postman just doesn't like the unseasonably snowy weather we're getting here in the UK and he has some parcels I need to wrap!

At least I have some of the gifts here in the house (phew!) - thank goodness that there were supplies here to make gifts from! ;)

My project today is a calendar using family photos from the past year that I'm going to be giving to my Mum - I don't want to share too many pages because that will spoil the surprise if she spots this ;) but here's enough to give you an idea if you too are waiting for Santa to deliver your gifts on time!

January includes pictures of a trip me and Mum took to London to see Wicked the musical and shop in Harrods...

...and June simply had to include pictures from our eventful trip on a canal boat to Stratford (that's one family holiday we're sure to remember for a LONG time!)...
I made a calendar like this for my Mum last Christmas and she liked it so much she asked me to make another one this year :) last year I could only include one picture for every month, but this year I've discovered photo collages so it's going to be packed!
I used a blank calendar by Papermania and in these pictures you can see patterned paper by BoBunny and DCWV, calendar inserts by Anita's, and Thickers by American Crafts - there are also flowers from my stash but I'm afraid the good thing about this project (which is being able to use up bits and pieces) makes it difficult to name everything properly - apologies!
Hope you're managing to get everything ready without too much stress ;)
Merry Christmas! Gayle xx


  1. I love it!!! If I ever make the venture over the big pond, you and I have to go to Harrods!! After seeing it in the movies.. it's a must see!

  2. You did an amazing job, as you know I am also obsessed with collage photos and love how they look on your calendar project, great inspiration and a great gift =D

  3. This is lovely Gayle, she will totally love it, probably more so because she can remember all the fun times you both had together last year. What a treat, like opening a new gift each new month that rolls around :) TFS!

  4. I love the calendar. My SIL wants to buy a calendar for our MIL with pictures of all the grandkids. I never thought of making it myself. Now I don't have enough time. :( Maybe next year. :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!