Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year, New Beginnings Challenge

The New Year always brings us a fresh start and time to reflect on the past year. We make resolutions to improve our life in some way or to reflect on what great things happened the past year and make plans on how to repeat our success.

Here’s your chance to get organized, reflect on the past year, be creative and win a prize! Create a project that reflects what the words New Year, New Beginnings mean to you. It can be a Layout reflecting your New Years resolutions, a mini book of the past year in review, or even an ATC set of all the goals you have for the New Year. Be creative, be Scrappy and email us your results by January 13, 2010 to enter. The winner will receive the very first scrap kit designed by The Scrappy Tree team.

Email: thescrappytree@hotmail.com

Due Date: 1/13/2010


*You must use the title of the challenge.

* Be a follower of The Scrappy Tree.

*Feel free to ask questions here or shoot us an email.

The Scrappy Tree team wishes you and yours a Happy and Safe New Year!

Now, let’s enjoy Julie’s awesome idea for her New Year, New Beginnings challenge!

As each year marks a new beginning, I thought it might be kind of cool to see what the kids might want to do or work on in 2010. I asked each of my children for a list and I wrote down their responses. I think this will be a nice way to remind me and them about what mattered to them in 2010!


Sassafrass Lass papers and journaling spots, Color Box ink, distressing tool, Thickers, DMC floss


  1. What a cool challenge! I'm hoping I get to do it! I need more hours in the day. LOL I love the idea of interviewing your kids, and that layout is just too cool!

  2. I love Julie's lo, would love to participate, not sure what I'll be making but I'm sure I'll come up with something =D

  3. So cute! I hope I have time to do this!

  4. This is such a wonderful idea and I love the idea, as well, of asking the kids. I am going to try and do this. Beautiful, beautiful LO, Julie!! :)

  5. This is a brilliant layout! I am going to photograph my family now. They are all over 21 though! Never mind!!

  6. oooh. Looking forward to this one. I think I"ll work on some art journal pages for this.

  7. This has to be the best idea I have heard of, wish I had thought of it when the girls were younger! I love the layers you added.

  8. I have hopefully done your challenge :). Hope it qualifies, and it was fun to do.
    My entry is Here


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!