Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Week winners!

Announcing the winners of Christmas week! We greatly appreciate all of the support from our readers and followers, and as a thank you, the following people, picked through, will be receiving a Scrappy Tree bag! The perfect size to hold all your Scrappy supplies! Please email us at with your name and address so we can ship it out.

Blog winners
Day 21- Michelle
Day 22- Pigott Clan
Day 23- Dianapena8
Day 24- Erica
Day 25- Chey can cook (and more)

Our Facebook winners

*Jean and Diana, our previous winners, yours is on it's way, sorry for the delay!

Thanks again to all for visiting and following us often and leaving the wonderful support via commenting. We are gearing up for a Valentines celebration you won't want to miss, including Candy Grams (remember those from school?) Look for a sneak peek soon. We also have a very LOVELY challenge planned and more prizes!

In the mean time check in tomorrow for a New Years challenge! The winner will receive the very first Scrappy Tree kit, put together by our talented design team (worth $25.00)

Don't worry, be Scrappy!



  1. ooh yay! thank you I am so excited!! Sending you my address now!!

  2. Oh my gosh!! Thank you!! You gals have done so many great things on here!! I love all the projects!!

  3. Thank you very much!!! can't wait to get my goodies :)

  4. bliss is an excellent choice :-) thanks for stopping by!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!