Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Resolution Tag Book March

Remember the Resolution Tag Book Gayle made Here? Resolutions are so easy to forget as the months go by, that is why I liked her project and decided to make my own.
My book is small because I only have four resolutions.

The home of my book is this 7 Gypsies Match Box that I decorated using Chatterbox paper and embellishments.

Weekend Getaways; is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and I am hoping to save enough and accomplish at least two this year.

Minimize Multitasking; multitasking is something I used to be proud of, until I started to get very forgetful, I read that when you multitask your attention is divided and that causes short term memory and stress. As women, we do so much that multitasking is a MUST in our daily life, so I am not saying I am going to stop, I’m just going to try to do less of it.

Minimalistic Habits; Last year my husband and I moved from a 2 bedroom to a one bedroom apartment, for that reason I had to get rid of a lot of stuff we barely or never used. Because of our new small space when I go to the store before I buy something instead of asking myself “do I really need this” I wonder “where am I going to put this”. In a few months we’ll be moving again to a bigger apartment, and I really like my new forced lifestyle of not buying unnecessary things, if I am able to accomplish this, because of the savings I’ll be able to make my first resolution a reality ;)

Emotional Healing; this is the most important of all my resolutions, and it is one that I’ve already been working on.

Share you resolutions with us, become a member of our Scrappy Community and upload pics of your tag book.

Have you heard that March is TST’s Fan Appreciation month? There has been a daily scrappy supply giveaway, Kristin already announced the 7 lucky winners from our Facebook page, I heard that this month Gayle is monitoring our Twitter account and next week I’ll be checking our blog, so if you have not become a follower yet what are you waiting for, and start leaving comments to increase your possibilities to win (hint hint ;)
Good Luck and I hope you all have a great week


  1. Oh wow how cool is this - love it - so dinky and yet so useful too, thanks for sharing xxx

  2. How cute is that! Great way to keep those resolutions front and center!

  3. This is a lovely resolution tag book! I love that you put it in the matchbox!

  4. This is so beautiful Di, I want yours!! :) Your resolutions are very special, love your thoughts :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!