Friday, March 25, 2011

March's Art Journal Friday

Welcome to another Art Journal Friday! If you haven't played along before, please feel free to come and join us - all welcome! On the last Friday of every month I post a journal prompt to encourage you to get your pens, paints, paper, glue, plus anything and everything you can lay hands on(!) and to have a play. We have an Art Journal Friday group set up at our Ning Community if you'd like to share your pages with us - you're sure to receive a lot of love :) click here to visit our Ning site.

I haven't had a lot of time lately to do the things that I enjoy, like reading for example (well, reading for pleasure rather than study!) and I am very much looking forward to getting some quality fiction time in in the near future! It got me thinking about how much the different books I've read have created pictures in my head - I can still conjure up very clearly the mental images from books that I read many years ago, the people that I read about and the places that they went.

This month's journal prompt is to pick a book, a character or a place that really struck you and journal about it. You could pick a favourite book and journal maybe about the things you enjoy about it and the feelings it gives you, or perhaps a book you only read once but which created particularly vivid thoughts or images for you that you still remember. Maybe you have a favourite character who embodies something for you and you feel engaged with in some way (I am still mourning the death of Dumbledore by the way, maybe I need to work through that! lol). Perhaps a location in a book was created so well by the author that you feel as if you have been there yourself.

This challenge is just for fun; whether or not you create a page, or decide to share a page, is entirely up to you :) photos can be uploaded to the Art Journal Friday group; please leave some love if you stop by and see a page that you like :)

Happy weekend and happy journaling! :)

Gayle xx


  1. Great prompt!

    It was sad reading about Dumbledore wasn't it!

    Have a great weekend. Gez.xx

  2. Thanks girls! Gez, I was devastated LOL
    Gayle xx

  3. I totally love this...and a book popped into my head right away. I must admit that I am a month behind, but this great prompt is just what I need to get caught up! Thanks!

  4. This is a wonderful idea. Will have to see what I can do.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!