Sunday, March 6, 2011

ANNOUNCING THE WINNERS! Due to FB's fan page changes, we can not contact you individually but we have chosen a daily winner from our FB page for the first 6 days of our Marvelous March Fan giveaway, and we are listing the winners here! Thanks to all of you for your support. If we have listed your name, please email us your contact info to

March 1st- Jean Marmo

March 2nd- Carol Ann Anspaugh

March 3rd- Melissa Eggler

March 4th- Terri Vandergoff

March 5th- Jennie Boxall

March 6th- Clare Buckingham Dempsey

Gayle is next up and rumor has it, she will be doing some tweeting this week :) Have a great night everyone!

Thanks again for your support

Kristin xx


  1. Wow - thanks so much! Off to send an email!

  2. OOOH!! I won ! I never win anything, so am soo muchly pleased :)))) lol
    Have messaged you .. hopping off with a big grin on her face!

  3. in my excitement I forgot to say Congrats to all the winners!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!