Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome the Talented Susan Dupre!

We were thrilled when Susan agreed to stop by and be our guest. Not only is she a busy Mom, she have loads of talent you can admire in many places
, like Scrapbook trends magazines, Paper Crafts, Home, Memory Makers, Creating Keepsakes, Paper Creations and many more. She has also been a part of or currently is on several design teams, make sure to visit her lovely blog after to see more. She was kind enough to share a little about herself in our Q&A below:

Tell us a little about yourself: I like to have fun. I have to say that is what attracted me most to my husband. We always laugh together. I have a sarcastic sense of humor. Sometimes I feel really sorry for my friends because I am so rough on them, but they haven’t complained yet. To me that is most important thing in my life is to laugh. We are teaching our son this. You just can’t take things to seriously, especially when you goof up. Life is just too short.

What is your scrappy history or experience: I started sort of late. I was going to scrap that “baby album”, but never got around to it until he was three. I used to do interior design, and it just got to be too difficult carrying a child around. That is when I found I joined and wow, I jumped in full force. I did the challenges and made tons of friends first year. I started in March 2007, and by June of 2008 I had already made three manufacture teams. The one that got my name out there was Graphic 45. I left after their last call, but I owe so much to those ladies. They gave me a chance when I was just beginning. That is why I tell anyone who really has a dream of being on a manufacturer team and you have the talent, you don’t always have to start big. Go for those little start up companies. You never know where they will take you.

What is your scrappy specialty: Hmmm… I would have to say this would be “trying to stay different”. I really try to keep my style varying. I love anything from shabby chic to clean straight lines, and I am always trying to do it all. I like to keep it where no one can really pin-point a layout and say it is mine.

It keeps it interesting that way.

Current projects you are excited about: I just finish participating in CHA. I’ll be working with some great new product and that is always exciting. I have a couple of guest spots coming up, but that is about it. It is actually nice to be able to take a little breather.

Where can we see your projects: (Blog, gallery link, Facebook, etc.)

You can always find my work at:,!/susan.dupre

Do you have scrappy vices or funny rituals: (A must have drink or maybe you have a family pet that provides moral support) Well, quite often I have my cat, Yankee, at my feet. After a day of scrapping, you can see him walking around with scraps of paper, glitter, alphabets… in his fluffy fur. He wears it with pride.

Do you have a day job: Other than free-loading off my husband? Well, I am a mom, a wife, cook, sometime cleaner (don’t like that part), pet sitter, chauffeur, scrapper…. Ok, you get it.

Funny talent or trait: The only thing I lay claim to is that I can really make good animal sounds. I don’t know what this says about me, lol. Oh! I did sing to my husband at our wedding. Everyone cried. I still don’t know if that is a good thing. My hubby says he was crying because I was squeezing his hands so tightly.

Do you have any other interests besides being Scrappy: This would be my Kindle. I love reading! I often tease my hubby telling him that if we had a fire, I would save my baby first, then the pets, then my Kindle and finally him. Yep, he should have never bought me that thing!

What are you favorite top 5 blogs: I am not really a blog hopper, so I don’t really have a favorite blog. I will sometimes go to a certain blog and check out who they follow. I have found some great artists and interesting blogs that way!

What websites do you frequent: Mostly TwoPeas and I love looking at the galleries for constant inspiration.

What Scrappy magazines are your favorite: Can I love them all? Anything scrappy is inspiration for me!

Your favorite place to go within five miles any direction of your home: Hee,hee the Starbuck drive thru and Hobby Lobby. Both of these are “bad”. There is no telling how much money I have tied up in both places!

Where do you find the most peace: I love curling up (cat in lap – dog at foot) in my hubby recliner with my kindle when the house is nice and quiet. You know – no sports, cartoons or computer games in the background. Aww, there is a reason they say “silence is golden”.

Message from Susan: Thank you so much for having me guest. I am so honored because I love that your main goal is support charities. We spend so much time living our own lives that we hardly think about those little lives that seem to be forgotten. Thank you for caring.

Not only did she answer all of our probing questions, she also created this gorgeous Layout for us! It fits in perfectly with our charity challenge this month!

We want to say a special thanks to Susan for agreeing to stop by and be our guest. We appreciate her taking time out of her super busy schedule. Don't forget to visit her blog to see more;


  1. What wonderful projects! Thank you for sharing with us Susan! It was wonderful to get to know you a bit better as well!!

  2. I enjoyed reading her answers to the questions. I am going to check her blog out next.

  3. Just love the projects! Very creative. Had fun reading about Susan.

  4. Wooohouuuu Susan is so talented !!! love the projects !!!

  5. Loads of Talent!!! I also enjoyed viewing all her amazing layouts and cards, going to check out her blog =D


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!