Monday, February 21, 2011

Inching along this Monday!

Good morning! Monday's can be fun right??? I am wondering since it is snowing/sleeting yet again after a foot of snow yesterday! I thought I might be able to brighten up the day a bit with some inchies!

I made a bunch yesterday and I wanted them to have a focus. I decided that focus would be paper layering. First, I gathered up some of my basic supplies.

Since I had gone to a crafty day the day before, I thought I would used up some scraps from that day and only the supplies I brought on that day. My punches (particularly my 1 inch square punch) were a must!! Here are some of my creations from the day:

I'd love to see how you layer paper on your inchies. If you'd like to share, come on over to the Inchie group and upload!
Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. Love how you make these Jules, they are all beautiful!

  2. I Heart Layers ;)
    wonderful job Julz :)

  3. Fabby, fabby!! I've been playing with inchies lately too - such fun :-)

  4. OH, cute cute cute! I love how you make inchies seem like they are nine feet long! TFS :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!