Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #3

Grab Bag #3

comment below to enter, all winners will be determined with

Who is your Valentine, tell us something about them?


  1. My Valentine? Easy, my hubby!
    Thanks for the chance to win a grab bag! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

  2. My husband is my Valentine. We married on February 11th, today, 16 years ago. He is warm, kind, loving, sweet, understanding, & goes shopping with me to buy "scrappy" goodies. He has even gone to "scrapbook conventions" with me. He is one in a million. :)

  3. My valentine would have to be my husband of 35 years.

  4. My husband..16 years, almost 17. He has been taking care of me above and beyond during this broken ankle. Evenwhen I am driving myself crazy, he is calm, kind and loving. Plus he has been getting up in the middlevof the night just to make sure I am okay:)

  5. My 3 year old grandson is my Valentine this year. He is so perfect....All others pale...sorry Jerry. :)

  6. My Valentine is my Husband for the last 16 years he is the greatest man I know besides my Beloved Grandfather. His unconditional love, compassion, generousity, humor, loves to live and undying support helps me become a better person. Without his love I don't think I would have ever dealt with my childhood abuse.

  7. My "official" Valentine is my husband. The Valentines who stole me heart are my nieces Lily and Angela and nephew Jason. They are such sweet dolls!

  8. My Husband is my True Valentine. He came into my life 10 years ago.Took care of me and my 2 young boys at the time and filled our heart and life with Love and happiness.He has given us a life we would never have without him. The Lord really does answer prayers :)

  9. My valentine is my husband we have been together almost 11 years and married almost 10 years. He encourages me with my scrappy endeavours. We have 3 beautiful boys together as well.

    Janie Boots

  10. My darling husband, Grant, of course!

    We've been together for 17 years and married for 15 - it's so easy being married to him. He's very supportive of me and his strong sense of responsibility has ensured he has provided a wonderful home for me, our 2 children and various pets. I love that we make irrational and heart led decisions sometimes (aren't they the best ones?!), but never risk the important things in life.

    He really is my knight in shining armour but on Feb 14th he'll be my sweet Valentine.


  11. My Valentine is my husband! We have been married 10 years and he still makes me laugh so hard I cry. He's my BEST friend.

  12. My husband and son are my valentines, though it looks like I have to share my son with my mom, Toni. :) They are the reason I do everything I do. They make me laugh and make me feel special.


  13. Tim & I were married on Valentines Day in 2004. It was just 12 days after I had major brain surgery. The wedding almost didn't take place because I was so exhausted and recovering. I couldn't imagine not marrying him on the day we had planned. Some minor adjustments - no big reception, no honeymoon and a post ceremony nap for me. Best day of life. My Hubby, without question, is my Valentine!

  14. this year my valentine(s) are my kiddos!! My hubs is at BCT for the Army so I get to love on my kiddos extra hee hee. They are Mason (4) Kira (2 months till she's 3) Frankie (2) and Tre (1) they are the sweetest, best behaved little ones ever. But, I may be biased ;)

  15. My valentine is my soul mate, partner and hubby :)

  16. Only valentine this year will be my daughter. Mind you, she seems to have a few!

  17. My husband, my best friend, my rock, my fellow-traveller through life, sharer of my faith, super father to our children, my companion, my soul-mate, who shares my values and complements me perfectly :-)

    And yes, I am talking about just one person lol!

  18. My valentine is my husband and my 2 sons. they all love olives.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!