Friday, February 11, 2011

Grab Bag #1

Okay here we go...

Grab Bag #1

comment below to enter, all winners will be determined with

What is your favorite RED item you own and why?


  1. I have a red dress and it makes me feel all perky to wear it!Am tweeting as @carolynishis

  2. I have a red Boston Red Sox championship hoodie that I love! Means the world to me as I used to watch games with my Dad, a huge fan!

  3. My very favorite RED item is a handmade box, that my grandfather made for my grandmother. It has the letter "KAYO" carved out of metal on the top, and no one knows what those letters mean. These letters are paired with "CS" (Carol Scogland) and "DO" (Dick O'Neill) ~ My grandparents. It also has my grandmother's birthday carved in it, December 25th (and the year 1932). It's amazing, and It is my own personal TREASURE CHEST :)

  4. A ruby necklace that my husband gave me for our first anniversary. We had a great dinner at the space needle, and then he surprised me with this deep red ruby necklace.

  5. Favourite red thing, favourite red thing .......... a cute fabric red owl brooch that I bought in Covent Garden on Christmas Eve. I love the brooch and it comes with happy memories of a precious day together as a family of 4.


  6. My favourite Red Items are my Beanie Bears Hug & Kisses because my DH bought them for me..

    Janie Boots

  7. My bright red camera bag!
    It's called a "lola," and I love it!

  8. My favourite red thing is my red winter wool jacket....Keeps me all snug & cosy & I always feel tidy & smart wearing it!! In the summer I change over to a red rainmac :D
    I love red poppies too. RED is an amazing colour.

    Ann from Bonnie Scotland xx

  9. Today it would have to be my new car ----red Pontiac G6 that I'm going after work to pick up.

  10. Hmmm. I don't own a lot of red - except for Christmas decorations. And since I LOVE to decorate for Christmas, I'll go with that! I have an ornament my grandmother made of a woman in a red dress. She's my favorite!

  11. Ok I have a pair of Red night socks (bed socks) but inside they have a removable section filled with beans which you pop in the microwave and then slip back into the socks once heated.. gives you nice toasty and warm feet

  12. WOW! I am so jealous I don't have all of these things, thanks for the great stories everyone!

  13. I have a wonderful fuzzy sweater! Complete with snowflakes for days like this!

  14. My favorite "RED COACH BAG" I bought when I won a jackpot in Las Vegas...That's why they have all those amazing designer store near the casinos...Smart!!!

  15. i just realized i dont own many red things. But of the things I have, my favorite is a scruncci i made when i was a kid. it was one if the first things i sewed.

    ~Melanie Rozwood

  16. My favorite red item is a pair of items... bright red fuzzy socks with hearts on them. They keep my feet toasty!!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Arg. I was signed in with the wrong account. This should be right. As I was saying ...

    My favorite red thing these days is a fleecy Washington Nationals blanket that I keep on the couch. I cuddle under when I am working at my laptop or watching TV.


  19. I own a pair of red Mary Jane crocs. I feel like Dorothy whenever I have them on. Comfy and bright ... just perfect to complement my personality!

  20. my red lipstick!! the perfect accessory :) goes with just about everything and always makes me feel like a million bucks!!

  21. My fluffy red blanket, perfect for curling up on the couch watching movies!

  22. The ruby in my engagement ring :-)

  23. Oh ladies.....gems, cars and Melissa love the box story.

    Red is my favorite color. I think my most favorite red thing is the wall in my desk alcove....I painted it a deep red...deep, deep, deep. I love it and love being near it.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!