Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sketches-a Great Tool

Hello again, Diana here wishing you a happy Wednesday.
I used to think that if I used Sketches I would be betraying my creativity, but I was very wrong, a Sketch is just another tool, it can be used to make a layout based exactly on it or as an inspiration and starter point to a layout.

I now use this great tool a lot, especially when my photos start to accumulate, I’ve found that the best way for me to get back on track is taking an online class, the one I like best is Sketchbook by Kelly Purkey, I am looking forward to her 3rd class, Got Sketch by Valerie Salmon in also a great online class, this is just my way of getting motivated, but of course there are also some web pages that offer weekly or monthly free sketches like:

You will sure find one that will fit your scrappy style, because the best part of using this tool is giving it your own personality on paper.

I would like to show you two layouts I made based on this sketch from Pencil lines:

For this layout I combined my traditional mirrored double page and my usual load of paper layers:

In this case I used the sketch to get inspired, once that happened I gave it my personal touches, I inverted the photo, changed the title to the right and I omitted the 2nd photo adding instead a half circle and three tags.

For this layout I used a bunch of leftover paper scraps from some previous pages

This one is more like the sketch, but I adapted it to fit the size of my photos.

What do you think about using sketches? is there another sketch web page you'll like to share with us? leave your comments, we love to read about your input :)

Note: Remember to always give Credit to the sketch creator when you upload a layout in a gallery.

That is all for today, I hope you all have a great and amazing Wednesday!


  1. I also used to think that using sketches was not really being creative but that is so far from the truth. Everyone uses something for inspiration, whether it's certain colors, an image, or even a sketch. I am also amazed that I end up usually changing things from a sketch too. Great layouts Di!

  2. Beautiful LO's Di, I love the colors you use with Kraft paper. I haven't used any sketches but I am open to it! Thanks for the inspiration!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!