Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

So have you forgotten yours already? ;) I spotted this wonderful hybrid project class by Jessica Sprague, which I loved as an idea to help you keep your resolutions in mind over the year - the class gives easy print-outs for you to make your own tag book to keep track of your New Year's resolutions...

Well, I downloaded the class and loved the idea so much I decided to have a go at making my own :)

Using Basic Grey's Boxer patterned paper and number stickers I decorated 14 small green and black tags, one for each month and one each for the front and back covers. I wanted to keep a theme running throughout the book so decided to decorate using two alternate designs through the tag book.

I used the Cricut Storybook cartridge to cut cream journalling spots for the green pages, and punched patterned corners on the red paper to embellish the black pages.

I have taken photos of the book before writing my resolutions inside because I don't want to spoil the surprise! The other Scrappy Tree girls are sharing the fun and will be taking it in turns every month over the year to come to share their take on this idea, plus one of their twelve resolutions for that month. So here is my first resolution:-

I will... live healthy 90% of the time; move my body and eat well.

I find that I can very much be an all or nothing kind of person when it comes to my health - either I am entirely preoccupied with going to the gym and following my diet or I am utterly neglectful of it! This year I will be getting married in September, and while I know that nobody is perfect (hence the 10% of leeway ;) ) I resolve to make a commitment to myself to be good to my body MOST of the time. Girls, if you're anything like me it will be a relief not to beat yourself up for neglecting your health and wellbeing, so let's give ourselves the occasional break but on the whole make this year a good year for treating ourselves well :)

Feel free to share your thoughts either here or at The Scrappy Tree community, I know that this will be one that is a big issue for many of us :)

Gayle xx


  1. This is wonderful Gayle!!! I love it. Such a great idea.

  2. I am guilty of forgetting them :o Love the idea of making a tag book to keep them handy.
    I really like how you embellished your tag book with those lovely corner details and the journaling spots.
    I might copy your first resolution, but change it to 70% lol baby steps

  3. Darn it! I thought I had told you how lovely these were, I guess not:) They are lovely and I think a really cool way to track your resolutions. I plan to make some :)


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