Friday, December 31, 2010

December Art Journal Friday

Here we are with the last Art Journal Friday of the year on the very last day of the year! If you haven't played along before, maybe think about making yourself a New Year's Resolution to try something new this weekend :)

To join in, all you need to do is to create an art journal page using any medium you like (paint, paper, fabric, collage etc etc etc) using this month's theme over the weekend, and if you'd like to share with us you can upload a picture here at The Scrappy Tree community AJF group - if you don't feel you want to share your page, by all means call in and leave some love anyway :)

For this month's prompt, I decided it was time to say goodbye properly to the old year and welcome in the new! I know that for many people 2010 has certainly had its challenges ;) my suggestion for this art journal page is that you write ALL OVER the page with all the things that you want to leave behind where they belong in 2010 - write whatever you like using whatever language you like and don't worry that anyone will see it because....

...then you're going to paint/collage/draw/write ALL OVER IT with all the good things that are coming your way in the new year! It could be good things you know are going to happen and are really looking forward to, or equally good things that you want to happen - you never know unless you ask, right? ;)

Hope you have fun with this one, I know I'm going to!!

Gayle xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!