Friday, November 26, 2010

November's Art Journal Friday

Happy Friday bloggers and crafters, and welcome to the November edition of Art Journal Friday! If you haven't played before, I post a prompt here on the last Friday of the month which runs all weekend, and we invite to use this as inspiration for some art journaling over the weekend using any medium you like. You're invited to share your piece with us over at our Ning community, where you're sure to receive lots of love for your artwork, and if you don't feel able to share by all means come on over and leave some love for someone else! Art journaling is for everyone and we would love you to come join us!

This month sees us in the middle of Thanksgiving weekend in America, and in the UK... it's the end of November! After November comes December, that particular time of year when for many of us life steps up a gear for a good couple of weeks :) Some of us enjoy the excitement and the change of pace, and some of us dread it and wait for January! ;)

Well for this month's prompt I would like to invite you to journal how you feel about the upcoming festive season; are there certain things appearing that are making you feel excited about the time to come? Or does it more fit you to create something calming to counteract the rising tide of busybusybusy which is fast approaching? Come join us this weekend and share your December anticipation! Click here to take you to our Ning community if you'd like to visit us there and share some thoughts :)

Happy journaling! Gayle xx


  1. Lots to think about here Gayle, great prompt! Be safe in your snow.

  2. Hi Kristin, Gayle, and Julie
    I left a blog award for you on my site, stop by to pick it up.. I love your blog, it's my new favorite site! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Argh this time of year is just scary and makes me realise how quickly time passes! Off to join the ning now:)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!