Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween is creeping up on us....

Hello Bloggers!

Well Halloween is creeping up on us and I thought I would try the Trick and the Treat part of Halloween! I had recently seen some Laughing Cow Cheese containers used (I forgot to save the links for these projects) for some cool things, the containers look like this with a little paint:

I started with a few layers of paint inside and out, then chose my paper, embellishments and I was off and running! The idea was to create a Trick and a Treat using two containers. The Treat was easy, I went with Candy Corn because it doesn't melt but also toyed with home-made chocolates shaped like spiders, anything will work! The Trick was harder but I made it work. I wanted a spider to jump out of the box as it was opened. I still to this day remember my Mom bringing home an envelope of rattlesnake eggs, that when opened, unwound a paperclip and rubber band against the envelope and sounded like a rattlesnake, ha ha I know, my Mom loved to laugh :) Anyhow, here it is...

My husband was help with this one, he pulled a spring out of his bags of tricks as I traced a spider and cut it out of mat board and covered it in black embossed spider web paper. The inside was painted black, I used my glue gun to glue the spring (about 1" tall) to the center bottom of the container and to the center underside of the spider. I added some filler to hide the spring and Voila! Tricky spider jumping out of a container! Not quite the rattlesnake eggs but I will keep trying :)

Thanks for stopping by!


*Products used: My Back Porch Memories Halloween kit and a few misc. pieces from last year (Pink Paislee papers and clear stickers, Jenni Bowlin tags, American Craft ribbons & Thickers)


  1. I love these! That's such a great idea for candy! tfs

  2. This is really cute, Kristin!!!! Great project!!

  3. I SO love these! Love the colours and the style you chose, and the trick or treat surprises are just lovely :)

  4. These are so cute! It's a great idea to use the Laughing Cow containers! I love your spider as well!

  5. Very Cute and a great idea for candy gifts :)

  6. This is so cute! Love the style and embellishments. Now I have more "trash" to save!


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