Friday, May 28, 2010

Art Journal Friday

Wahoo! It's Art Journal Friday at The Scrappy Tree! After a quiet month on the blog, we're all ready to get creative!

If you haven't played along before, this is a weekend long art journal challenge - create a page or pages along this month's theme and if you want to share then you can post at the group on our Ning site, which you can find here. Always lots of love left for all who decide to play :)

This month's theme is 'animated' - what lights you up and makes you feel excited? You could find some animated images you love and collage them, or try drawing some of your own! I fell in love with an image I found in a magazine and knew I just had to use it :) have fun!


1 comment:

  1. Just posted my page to my blog. Check it out here:


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!