Saturday, May 1, 2010

Art Journal Friday

Running a little late with Art Journal Friday this month, but it's May Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK so you've got an extra day! :) This challenge will be running from Saturday to Monday, so upload your pictures to the Ning site by the end of the day on Monday if you'd like to share. This one is just for fun!

This month's theme is change - right now where I live, the weather is finally taking a turn for the better after the harsh winter and you can feel that the air is warmer and see that the plants are starting to come out of hiding.

What does the change in seasons mean to you? Can you see the differences in the great outdoors where you live? Or are there things that you can do and places you can go at this time of year that are meaningful to you? Are you noticing how different everything looks in the sunshine? Or are you eagerly looking forward to the change in the seasons because it hasn't arrived yet?

Make a page this weekend, and if you want to share it with us come and upload your pics to the Art Journal Friday group at our Ning site by the end of the day on Monday.

Happy Journaling!

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