Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day or Mothering Sunday in the UK. On Mother's Day here, the mums get spoiled! My brother is coming over to make breakfast, and I am in charge of making some carrot cake muffins for my mum and for my parents to take to my grandmother when they visit her today!
I always ask my mum what she would like as a gift so that I can get some ideas. This year, my mum asked me to make her an altered tin with a fairytale theme, and this is what I came up with...
I painted a layer of gesso onto the tin and then used DCWV Once Upon A Time papers to cover the top and sides. My mum adores the DCWV line, so I knew she would be expecting me to use that as part of the project! I used some ribbon from my stash to border the paper at the top and bottom of the bottom half of the tin, and some DCWV ribbon to border to edge of the top half.
I used some flowers from my stash with a Jenni Bowlin button and some Sassafras Lass brads to embellish the top of the tin, along with a bird from K&Co and some pearl gems as a border. I also added some DCWV chipboard stickers as a caption.
The Once Upon A Time paper is beautifully embellished anyway (which is why Mum and me love it so much!) but where there were natural gaps in the paper I embellished with a K&Co butterfly and some Once Upon A Time die-cut shapes.

I hope she likes it!
Thanks for looking :)



  1. Cute tin! Hope your Mum has a wonderful day!

  2. It's a lovely tin and I am sure she will like it. The fairy tale theme is perfect.

  3. Hi Gayle! That tin is lovely - wonderful work!!! I adore the Once Upon a Time papers - they are truly gorgeous. And I really like the flowers and butterflies that you added. I am sure your mom will love it!!! Carrot cake muffins sound divine...I love carrot cake. :) Hope you and your family enjoy this special day! Theresa :)

  4. What a totally lovely tin! I'm sure your mum will love it! Have a wonderful day.

  5. I bet she loved it :-) Hope you all had a lovely day x

  6. How awesome! I was just thinking of altering a tin..thanks for the inspiration!

  7. You did a Lovely job on that tin, I hope your mom enjoyed her day and Happy Belated Mothers day to her =Di

  8. I'm sure she absolutely loved it! It is a beautiful project! I have that paper too.


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