Friday, March 26, 2010

Art Journal Friday

It's here again, the last Friday of the month! Welcome to March's Art Journal Friday :)

For this month's prompt I wanted to talk about something close to my heart over the past few weeks - TIME... or lack thereof! Recently I am finding that the constraints of a 24 hour day are simply not sufficient, and as a result life goes by at a hundred miles an hour!

I want you to journal what time means to you - have you got too much, not enough, are you looking back in time or do you want to look forwards? What do you do with your spare time? Is there a period of time in history which fascinates you? If you could go back in time would you do things differently?

This one is just for fun, but if you'd like to share your pages (or take a peek and leave some love!) then feel free to upload them to the Art Journal Friday group on our Ning site. This challenge will be running all weekend, we look forward to seeing your take on the theme!



  1. Yeah! great prompt, can't wait to tackle this one!

  2. What an amazing prompt! I'm always saying how I never have enough hours in the day!

  3. DEfintiely have an idea for this - a springtime page!

  4. Great prompt Gayle - loved playing as I had the idea already - thanks. Here's my page. Can't wait to see the others. Hugs Cherry XXX

  5. Posted over at the ning site and just put it up on my blog, too. You can see it here:



Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!