Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another Quick, Fun Craft for Kids

At The Scrappy Tree we are definitely thinking Spring and Flowers and for today's kid's craft, we are continuing that theme! Today your little crafter will be making a flower to either decorate your home or give as a wonderful gift.

Supplies you'll need: Cupcake liners (at least 2)
Green pipe cleaner
Washable paint
vase to put your flower in

The first step is to have your little crafter paint their two cupcake liners in whatever color they'd like their flower to be. My little crafter chose orange. Let dry.

Next, have your little crafter roll one end of the green pipe cleaner into a small circle. This will form the flower's center.

Next, your crafter will gather up their two dry cupcake liners and with your help, poke the nonrolled end of the pipe cleaner through the center of the cupcake liners. Push the liners up to the rolled end and bend the rolled end slightly to create that flower center.

Next, your little crafter can put the finishing touches on their flower. Mine chose to take scissors and cut into the liners to create their flower. This is the part where your little one's creativity can shine. They could use glitter glue, other paint colors, stickers, stamps, etc to further embellish their flower if they wish. The final step is to put your flower into a vase. It is then ready to decorate your home or brighten someone else's day as a gift!

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