Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome to Art Journal Friday!

It’s the last Friday of the month - Welcome to Art Journal Friday at The Scrappy Tree!

I have just recently been brave enough to try this particular medium and I would love it if you would join me! The Scrappy Tree girls have been kind enough to me to see how enthused I am about this new form of expression and just as others have done for me, I want to share with you.

First of all I want to say quite clearly that ART JOURNALING IS FOR EVERYONE. Seriously, if I can do it, so can you. I had spent plenty of time admiring the amazing pages that the art journal experts turned out, thinking oh my GOSH I could never do that. And you know what? Maybe I never will. But it doesn’t matter! If you can put pen to paper, brush to paper, glue to paper – you can art journal. And all I’m asking of you today is one little page :) Papercraft, painting, sketching, collaging - the list is endless and it's all good!

The way that I got brave enough to try was through finding a prompt. Someone gave me a focus point to start from. It’s true to say that art journaling can be the most personal thing that you wouldn’t want to show anybody, or it can be the opportunity to try out a new technique along with a quote or a picture or a title that speaks to you in some way – speaks to you but no one else would know why you chose it.

I would love for this challenge to give you the chance to try art journaling if you never have before, because I have just started this journey myself and would love to share it! But equally, if you have been art journaling for some time and you want to take part, remember it’s an inspiration to others as well as every page being another step in your own journaling journey – everybody welcome!

Ok, so here’s the challenge!

Using the prompts below as inspiration, create a journal page over the weekend. If you’d like to share it with us (we would LOVE to see your pages, but if it’s too personal then we understand that too) then please either post it to the Art Journal Friday group on our Ning forum, or e-mail the image to me at and I can post it for you. If you are taking part but don’t want to post your page, please come and leave some love! Please send your images in by Sunday of this week.

Now I ADORE Alice in the Wonderland, in particular the 1951 Disney film version – the Cheshire Cat has to be one of my favourite characters of all time! So as we start thinking about March in just a few days – the March Hare and the Mad Hatter sprang into my mind at once! – I would love to see pages with an Alice connection. A purple page in tribute to the Cheshire Cat? White bunnies for the White Rabbit? Playing cards or roses painted red for the Queen of Hearts? Do you want to celebrate your ‘unbirthday’? Have you learned a lot of things from the flowers? ;) Or in the words of the caterpillar – ‘who…’

I hope that everybody can find something that speaks to them and inspires them this weekend! Happy art journaling :) from The Scrappy Tree!



  1. Ooooh! Love the challenge and sooo glad to see the Scrappy Tree moving into Art Journaling, too! I"ll definitely do this one. I love your excitement.

  2. Love your enthusiasm, I feel the same about art journaling. :D

    I don't have much of a connection to Alice in W. Hmmmm.... I'll try to pick out one aspect of it.

    Also, would love to see you join me in moon journaling. You might enjoy yet another prompt?

  3. lol!! I posted some sort of art journal-y pages on an Alice theme here only yesterday :-)

  4. Just posted my Alice art journal page here:

    Will try the ning page, too.

  5. Rinda pointed me in your direction and I would like to share my page as I'm new to art journaling too and my first page was Alice inspired. Hope that is ok. Hugs Cherry XXX


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!