Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 8 - Julie's Inspiration Challenge

For today's post, we want you to join in! This is Julie's monthly inspiration challenge that we ran for the first time last month and because we had a great response we want to carry on! This one is just for fun remember - take your inspiration from the prompt and get creating! Post your entry to the Inspiration Challenge group on our Ning forum by Friday and share your work with us - we want to see what you were inspired to do.

February's prompt is Vintage Valentine! For this month's prompt we were loving this beautiful vintage Valentine image from artandimagesbykim

Artandimagesbykim is a great community site which you can become a member and have access to a range of free images for your artwork, and there are a great mix of people there from all walks of crafting. They run regular challenges for members and a number of groups depending on your area of interest so why not take a look? TST are big fans :)
Our tremendous thanks to Kim for allowing us to use this image for our challenge :)

So either using this image directly in your work or using Vintage Valentine as your theme, get inspired to create something and come share it with us! This is Julie's project, inspired by the prompt:-

"Hi! Here's my card for the inspiration challenge. The image was wonderful and really had me want to make a wonderful Vintage Valentine with it!"

Supplies used: Close to My Heart cardstock and papers, Webster's Pages , Close to My Heart stickers, Glimmer Mist, Recollections gemstones, Bo Bunny flowers, Making Memories brad, Fancy Pants Designs stamp, Color Box ink, distressing tool.

This challenge will run until Friday, so share with us by uploading your picture to Julie's Inspiration Challenge group over on our Ning site. We look forward to seeing your projects!


  1. Perfect! I haven't made my sweety a card yet ;)

    Love what Julz did with the image, and thank you TST for sharing this image with us =Di

  2. Lovely finished piece, be sure to post it on PDA for all to see.
    Thanks for plugging us, I hope some of the members take you up on the challenge.

    Can I also ask where did you get the lovely pink photo corners? Did you make them?

    kim aka imagesbykim
    come join us on Paper Digital Art


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!