Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 13 - Vintage Valentine Inspiration

Firstly, thanks to everybody who shared their projects for the Inspiration Challenge with us - we thought that we would share the love as it's Valentine's weekend, and post them all here for you to see!

Just to remind you, the original prompt was Vintage Valentine and this amazing image from artandimagesbykim - thanks again Kim for allowing us to use this for our challenge!
Head over to Kim's site to sign up for membership and you can have access to loads of great free images like this one to use in your work, and in the process probably make a whole load of new friends! It's a great community site with lots of challenges :)

You might recognise this first project from Monday - a card made by TST's Julie:-

We also had projects from Diana:-
And Peggy:-
Beautiful cards ladies! Love how they are all so different. You can check them out and get some more information on the supplies used at Julie's Inspiration Challenge group on our Ning site.

And this is my attempt! For this challenge we want you to get inspired to do whatever you want with the prompt - me, I wanted to make an art journal page:-

If you've ever wanted to give art journaling a go (or even if you already are and love it!), check back on the last Friday of this month for a weekend challenge - using any medium you like (paper, paint, if you like it then use it!) we'd love to see you create a page and share it with us! At The Scrappy Tree we're pretty new to art journaling, so you'll be in good company - why not try something new with us?

Thanks for looking - Julie will have another Inspiration Challenge for us on the second Monday of March, we look forward to seeing your projects!



  1. I would like to thank everyone for playing along and doing the challenge this month! Every project is unique and beautiful! I can't wait to see what everyone does next month!

  2. Love your journal pages, they're gorgeous! Don't think I've quite mastered the art yet.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!