Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings Challenge- Part 3

For my New Year, New Beginnings challenge I wanted to use my New Year resolutions in some way. I love the idea of a New Year, clean slate, self improvement and all that but I often forget what my resolutions are, which makes it easy to not keep them With Dedication being one of my resolutions, I decided if I was reminded on a regular basis it would be harder to forget so with that came the idea of New Year's ATC's! They are small enough to carry with me and with a little pocket to keep them in, I was on my way!

The first step was to pick the paper, for this part I incorporated another resolution Accept Change by using colors I normally stay away from, in patterns I would often use for someone else. I went with American Craft patterned papers in complimentary colors (red, black, yellow and I had to throw some green in there). I used a few embellishments but not many. Simplify was another resolution, so I wanted each design to be clean but appealing. I was more successful with some more than others :) With all the cool products out there it is hard to not grab a bit of each one every time! Above is the pocket that will hold the ATC's. I simply measured around the outside of one ATC and added a little to handle the depth of 10 or so cards. This is a great way to make a custom envelope for a specialty card (look for custom envelope instructions on our community site soon) See my ATC's below and don't forget to work on your project, to show us what New Year, New Beginnings means to you!

The whole group; I used some Making Memories alpha stickers, Tim Holtz hardware, Ranger Stickles, Martha Stewart glitter and a bit of home made shimmer spray for some shine .

Two of my favorites, Focus is the key and Create everyday! Hopefully if I focus better, I can have the time to create everyday :)

My husbands favorite ended up being the Simplify one, no wonder, he is always telling me to Simplify my life. I really like how Change looked on the paper, it made me more comfortable with using red that's for sure. The last few are, reminding myself to Be healthy, Donate time to charity, Inspire others, and Think Scrappy!

We can't wait to see your creations,remember the deadline is coming soon, Jan. 13th and someone will win a Scrappy kit. Send your entry to

Have a wonderful day, thanks for stopping by!

*Look for our Candy Gram Sneak Peek this weekend, orders will start Jan. 14th!

*Also, check back on Monday when Julie will introduce a monthly Inspiration challenge!

Don't worry, be Scrappy!



  1. Kristin, these are fabulous! I love the letters and how they pop with the papers! I also think it is wonderful to carry your resolutions with you!

  2. love these, and I have made a little something

  3. These are really cute. I like the holder. I just know I don't want to be reminded to exercise all the time :)

  4. These are great. And what great words to use!! Love the papers you used!!

  5. these are too cute! I love the idea!

  6. I love them! Where do you find all of the cool letters, are they from Making Memories? Is that a store or website?

  7. those are great! I love the idea that you will carry them around all the time to remind you. Great job!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!