Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Year Challenge Winner!!

Announcing the winner of our New Year, New Beginnings challenge -

Jennie Boxall!

Jennie created a beautiful, unique project and really showed her style and creativity! Take a peak and show Jennie your love over at The Scrappy Tree Community.

Thanks for playing everybody, we are constantly amazed by how talented you all are and truly appreciate your following and support!

Jennie will receive the hand-picked "Valentines themed" kit below for winning, don't miss the next challenge, we have lots more to share!

The kit was hand picked by The Scrappy Tree team and includes the latest scrapbook supplies by Jennie Bowlin, Anna Griffin, Fancy Pants vintage, Prima, Pink Paislee and a few items from our own personal stash, just to make it complete.


  1. Congratulations Jennie! You made a wonderful, creative entry!

  2. A well deserved win, Jennie did and amazing project :)

    The kit TST girls put together is beautiful and full of great goodies =Di

  3. Absolutely gorgeous project! Congrats on your win!

  4. Thank you girls, I was so amazed when Kristen gave me the prize :) and totally chuffed as well.. cannot wait to make soemthing with it all!
    Hugs from the UK


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!