Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 23- Red Hot Jelly

Today's home made gift suggestion; another edible but unique tasting one, Red Hot Jelly! Made with real Red Hot candies, see the recipe below and how I finished mine to give to friends and neighbors.

This year I used plastic canning jars, so I can ship them through the mail easier. You can also find the traditional glass jars in your local super market. I used a medium size bowl to get a big enough circle to cover the top of the jar, traced a template and cut them out with pinking shears. Next I measured the width of the top of the jelly jar, cut out the needed circles with my Cricut machine, used a dab of felt glue to stick them to the felt then added at least two lines of a zigzag stitch to hold the paper to the felt permanently. I then picked out some paper embellishments to add to the top of the circles. Lastly I tied the felt circle on with accenting ribbon. *Last year I used a Christmas stamp on a Muslin cloth in a holiday red or green, made a circle top and then tied them on with ribbon, this way saves you the sewing step and the cost of an embellishment. Be creative, there are lots of options.

My Mom loved this jelly, our whole neighborhood got a copy of the recipe and a jar of jelly every Christmas. It is best with English muffins or toast.

Red Hot Candy Jelly

2 cups apple juice

4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. margarine
1/3 cup red hot cinnamon candies
1-2 (6 oz.) pouches liquid pectin

Wash and sterilize canning jars and lids.

In a large, heavy saucepan, combine juice and sugar, stir well.

Add margarine, and candies. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly,

add pectin once the candies are melted and boil 1 minute.

Remove from heat.

Skim foam from top of mixture with a large, metal spoon.

Fill sterilized jars to 1/4-inch of tops.

Wipe jar rims and seal. Yield: 4 half-pints.

A view of the tops.

Remember to leave a comment to win a Scrappy prize, to be announced on Christmas!

Thanks for stopping by today!



  1. What a cute idea. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Sounds good, I'll have to give it a try.

  3. MY GOD. Eric would LOVE THAT!!! I'm not a canner, but what a great thing!! ~ Melz

  4. Sounds wonderful. Love the jars!!

  5. You are all so wonderfully creative! I love this idea! Merry Christmas!

  6. so cute! and sounds so tasty mmm :)

  7. Love how you decorated the jars =Di

  8. awesome idea! Where did you buy those plastic canning jars? or maybe you remember who make these jars in europe?

  9. awesome idea is it possible to buy these plastic canning jars on ebay or amazon? using plastic instead glass sounds great and looks nice :)


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