Friday, November 13, 2009


Introducing design team member Julie Boeck, wife, mom of three, daycare provider and crafter extraordinaire! Tell us about yourself Julie….

“I began scrapping in 2000 when my son was a baby. I was not a serious scrapper until 3 years ago when I really began to create everyday. I love crafting for the creative release it gives me. I have to create every day to be sane. Crafting is just a part of me. I really enjoy card making mini albums and I love to use vintage patterns on cards.

I am currently working on a Halloween mini album and I can't wait to finish it. I just love mini albums!!

I must have at least 1 Diet Coke while I scrap! I also love to scrap while watching either Bones or Supernatural on DVD!

I find the most peace while up in my scrappy room, but my favourite place nearby is Ida Lake; it is a beautiful spot to sit and relax.

I love to read mystery thrillers and I enjoy spending time with my kids.

Secret talent? I can write with my right foot!”

Julie’s 5 favorite blogs:
• TheScrappyTree (of course) :)
Zunky Chic
Nichole Heady

Julie’s 5 favourite scrappy websites:
Webster's Pages
Tattered Angels
Bad Girls Kits

Julie’s favourite scrappy mags:
• Cards
• Scrapbook Trends
• Paper Crafts

You can see more of Julie’s work here.

Click on Julie's picture in the design team box to return to this post.


  1. Hey Julie!!! :D It is so fun to learn more about you!! :) You make some just beautiful cards. I have always enjoyed browsing them in your gallery!!

  2. Hi Julz!!!!!!

    It was great to know more favorites from you, and your secret talent of course :)

    Wait, something just occurred to me, is this your fist DT? is it? yes?


    I am so proud of you and of Kaz and Gayle for showcasing your talent :)



Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!