Friday, November 20, 2009

Autumn Inspiration

Today's guest designer Michelle Unruh(mommapaparazzi) has given us some autumn inspiration with some stunning photos and an amazing layout! Tell us about yourself Michelle...

"Hi!! My name is Michelle. I am married to a great, but goofball guy that puts up with my serious scrappy addiction. I am a mom of three that are almost 10 years apart, ages 21, 11 and 2. They are the subject of my pages. I have been scrapbooking a long time, but wasn’t really, really into it until a few years ago. Which is a bad thing… cuz my stash has grown!! I started out as a Creative Memories consultant and sold that until not too long ago.

The current project I am excited about is finishing up last year’s and this year’s album, before we get into the new year (I hope!). I used to do a lot of cross stitching, but once I really was into scrapping, that kind of went by the wayside. I love photography. I love being outside. I would much prefer to be outside doing yard work, than being stuck in the house. I drive over the border a lot to go shopping because living where I do, there isn’t much here. Favorite scrap store and it is also the closest (and it is 20 miles away), is Archiver’s. The place I find the most peace is my home (when the kids aren’t acting up) otherwise then it is my scrap room to escape from them!!

I have a blog called Happenings On This Side Of The River, and I also have a gallery at When scrapping, I have to have a coke, and I always have candy in my scrap room. As far as websites, I like the sketch blogs. I also try to keep up on my online friends’ blogs. I use mainly, and once in a great while just love to browse Two Peas In A Bucket. I also really enjoy My favourite scrappy magazines are Scrapbook, Etc and Creating Keepsakes.

Thank you so much for asking me to be a guest!! I am truly honored."

To see some more of Michelle's beautiful pictures please click here.

Michelle also produced a gorgeous layout with a thanksgiving theme, and was kind enough to write a few words about it for us:-

"With Thanksgiving being this month, it was a great time to do something near and dear to me, a page about my family. We are not always good about letting the people closest to us know how much they mean to us. So, I took this as an opportunity to do a page about being thankful for my family. This photo was taken last month at the apple orchard and what made it one of the best days was that my oldest actually came with. She is out on her own now. So, we don't see her as much as we'd like to. It was so great to do something as a whole family.

My project was created using a kit from Scrapbook Deals 4 U. You can find them here. I used one of November's kit, Simple Pleasures. This kit was chocked full of 3 Bugs in a Rug Simple Pleasures line, as well as some Prima and so many other embellishments, up to and including my favorite letters... Thickers!!! I love that the patterned paper was double sided. I used some of the 3 Bugs die cut shapes and cardstock stickers that came with it. I also used Making Memories - notebook journal page, My Little Shoe Box - Whoo Loves You Overlay, Prima - Say It In Pearls (might I say, I LOVE these!!!). The ribbon and flowers were also in the kit, but I am not sure which manufacturer they came from. Everything I used was in my kit. I also used a sketch of Ginger Williams. It was really fun to make. I used some products I have never used before, and was able to create a page that I am very happy with of and for my family."

If you love Michelle's photos and scrapbooking as much as we do, please check out her autumn photos on The Scrappy Tree forum, and visit her blog and gallery for some inspiration of your own!


  1. Fantastic photos and LO Michelle :) thank you so much!

  2. Those photos are Amazing, love the Fall feel you captured.
    Your lo is very Beautiful, I really like how you added the journaling to it.


  3. Your photos and layout are stunning!


  4. I'm not at all surprised that Michelle is a featured artist! Her photos and layouts are always stunning! Great post, and thank you Michelle, for sharing your creativity!

  5. Thank you, everyone!! I think that is my new fav LO that I have made!!! :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment - happy scrapping!